Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nerd Alert 2011 - Comic Con Photos!

The only thing keeping me going today: Anyone else who dressed up as Doctor Who this weekend is also returning home to no job.

Highlight of the weekend: seeing Danny DeVito and Mac from 'Always Sunny' coming out of the bathroom as I was going in. I used the short urinal specifically because I knew that would mean I'd be peeing in the same one as Frank Reynolds.

And maybe if I hadn't gone to Vegas and lost all my money in that THIEVING TOWN, I might have been able to buy myself a sonic screwdriver.

Check out the Doctor Who Panel with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan here.

There were a bunch of Eleventh Doctors, I was the only Tenth, and Kevin's Angry Bird was pretty much the most popular costume at the entire Con. We could not walk ten feet without either someone asking for a picture or him squawking and knocking someone over.

Check out the pics of the rest of the Con:

Not really sure what this booth was for. I only stopped here cuz it was really empty, probably cuz it looks really lame, and I wanted to get away from the crowds.

Joel McHale and Gillian Jacobs from Community being interviewed on G4:
Dunno what was more disturbing: how Justin looks exactly like Heisenberg, or how naturally I was able to impersonate Walt Jr.'s voice on the first try.

Kakaaaawww! (If we got separated, we just made that noise to find each other):

 The fat guy from Lost:
Turanga Leela, Peggy Bundy, and the mom from Sons of Anarchy, taking pictures of the other voice actors from Futurama:
 More people from Futurama:
 "The angels have the phone box!"
 It's bigger on the inside:
 My wife:
 Nerd Pride Parade:

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