Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hmm. My own planet or 72 virgins? Tough choice.

The religions of the world are really upping the antes on their eternal salvation offers.

Someone funnier than me made a joke Monday about how if he converts to Mormonism, he gets his own planet when he dies. He just hopes it's not Klendathu, the insect planet from Starship Troopers. Of course I replied with my fear of inheriting the ice planet Hoth, because my lips get chapped really easily. But it got me thinking of other planets I would hate getting stuck with:

  • Pluto, be like buying Lehman stock in early 2008. 
  • Pandora, too many hippie treehuggers, and I wouldn't watch 'Avatar' again for all the Unobtainium in the world. 
  • M6-117 (aka, Hades), the desert planet from 'Pitch Black.' I burn easy and I've got like 20/A Billion visual acuity at night.  

Here are a few planets I wouldn't mind getting though:  

  • Omicron Persei 8, I'd look rad in a cape.
  • Gallifry, time lords, duh, but it was destroyed in the time war.
  • Endor, I'd get picked first for pickup basketball every time!

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