Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Droid Doesn't

That's the last time I buy a phone because the salesgirl is cute. Who am I kidding? That's the basis for every decision I've ever made. Uh, hello? Law School. I had a crush on a girl studying for the LSATs. Funniest part: I was "smarter" than her and scored higher on the test. I got in to Loyola and stuck with student loan debts, she didn't and married a plastic surgeon. That's a true story.

But what's up with every couple of months my phone completely deletes all of my text conversations? Oh wait, never mind. I just had the Anthony Weiner setting turned on.

At least when I say I don't need to pay for the monthly insurance, I mean it. About 90% of my phone use is done from the toilet and I have never dropped it in once.

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