Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Coffee Shop Confessions Vol. 6

I'm sorry, Starbucks barrista. I know I've been coming here for a while, but if I'm gonna remember your name, I'll have to free up some memory space by forgetting Caddyshack lines. And we both know that's not gonna happen.

Why do parents thinks it's so funny to take their little girls out in goofy clothes like tutus and rain boots like they're some trendy child star? Cuz there's a little girl here now dressed like that, and I gotta say, she really can't pull off that look.

Oh, and these parents expect us to believe that this is just the result of these little girls dressing themselves. They're such free spirits and this is what their young, untethered, fashion-forward minds came up with. It's the six-year-old girl version of the ironic t-shirt.

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