Monday, August 8, 2011

Top 4 Shark Week Moments

As we approach the closing of the High Holidays for Discovery Channel geeks known as Shark Week, I wanted to recognize a few of the most Shark-tastic programs from this year's week of nautical carnage. Not all of specials premiered this year, but they were new to me, and way too good to leave off this list.

4. Air Jaws II: - Along with the token Jaws movie references, Shark Week wouldn't be Shark Week without some serious air shark footage. We've seen it a thousand times by now, but seeing a great white breech attack never gets old. You wanna feel bad for these seals, but if there's a Discovery Channel crew a super slow-motion camera nearby, then they're gettin' eaten and I'm gonna cheer every time.

3. Into the Shark Bite - This one premiered last year but the footage was too good to pass up. This show gave us some incredible glimpses into the actual bites of some of the deadliest sharks on earth from some very unique angles--including some actually inside the shark's mouth! Though the 'experts' hosting this show were a little amateur-ish at first, their "awesome!"-s and "Woah!"-s were totally justified when their specially designed equipment captured shots of a trailing shark on the hunt with their "tow camera" and a rare head-on shot of a great white's from-below breech attach with their "seal camera."

2. Rogue Shark - We wouldn't have Shark Week without the movie Jaws. Like everything else scary and misunderstood by humans, we respond by killing it. And it wouldn't be a Shark Week without at least one show centered around the scientific validity of the movie classic that started it all. This show attempted to verify or debunk the well-known theory of the rogue shark: a solitary, territorial predator who deliberately targets humans as food. A perfect combination of pop culture shark myth, scientific investigation and seriously some of the gnarliest reenactments of shark attacks I've ever seen on Shark Week (and I've seen A LOT) that may confirm the theory. 

1. When Fish Attack 3 - If the crazy-ass raw footage of this great white attacking, entering and getting stuck in a shark cage wasn't enough to put this show at number one, then he went and did this. (Gonna have to call it 'SHART Week' if they wanna top this next year.)

Also, I'm giving an honorable mention to this commercial for shark week sponsor: the Gillette Fusion Proglide.

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